#!/usr/bin/perl ########################### ## AutoRank Pro v4.0.x ## ##################################################################### ## out.cgi - track outgoing hits from the list ## ##################################################################### my $DDIR = './data'; my %QRY; eval { require "$DDIR/vars.dat"; main(); }; err("$@", 'out.cgi') if( $@ ); exit; ##################################################################### ## Removing the link back to CGI Works is a copyright violation. ## ## Altering or removing any of the code that is responsible, in ## ## any way, for generating that link is strictly forbidden. ## ## Anyone violating the above policy will have their license ## ## terminated on the spot. Do not remove that link - ever. ## ##################################################################### sub main { parseget(); my $id = $QRY{id}; if( -e "$DDIR/members/$id.cnt" ) { diskspace("$DDIR/members/$id.cnt"); sysopen(FH, "$DDIR/members/$id.cnt", $O_RDWR) || err("$!", "$id.cnt"); $ofh = select(FH); $|=1; select($ofh); flock(FH, $LOCK_EX); my @cd = split(/\|/, <FH>); $cd[1]++; $cd[3]++; seek(FH, 0, 0); print FH join('|', @cd); truncate(FH, tell(FH)); close(FH); } print "Location: $QRY{url}\n\n"; #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; } sub parseget { my @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); my ($name, $value); for (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_); $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $QRY{$name} = $value; } } sub diskspace { my $file = shift; my $dir = $file; if( $dir =~ /\// ) { $dir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//i; } else { $dir = './'; } sysopen(FILE, "$dir/test.file", $O_WRONLY | $O_CREAT) || err("$!", "$file (Space Test)"); flock(FILE, $LOCK_EX); truncate(FILE, 0); print FILE "THIS FILE IS USED TO CHECK FOR FREE DISK SPACE"; flock(FILE, $LOCK_UN); close(FILE); mode(0755, "$dir/test.file"); my $size = (-s "$dir/test.file"); fremove("$dir/test.file"); err("No Disk Space Available", $file) if( $size == 0 ); } sub mode { my($perms, $file) = @_; if( -O $file ) { chmod($perms, $file) || err("$!", $file); } } sub fremove { my($file) = shift; unlink($file) || err("$!", $file); } sub err { my($cause, $file) = @_; chomp($cause); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<pre>\n"; print "A CGI ERROR HAS OCCURRED\n========================\n"; print "Error Message : $cause\n"; print "Accessing File : $file\n"; exit; }